This weekend, I had the very exciting opportunity (yes, this is my kind of excitement) to teach my cousin and her daughter -- I call her my niece, and no one will tell me otherwise -- to knit. They truly were naturals! Now, however, I am home, and Nikki is an hour away and running into the occasional issue. The error that had her up half the night was a dropped stitch. Oh yes, she got the perfectionist gene. It runs strong in our family. So, I put together a video to help her pick up her stitches from the purl side, as that is the side on which she was working, as well as a video on putting in a life line. Hopefully, it will help out some other folks as well.
On a side note, watching the video I have realized that I desperately need to moisturize my hands. Yikes!
This was my first time making any type of a tutorial or video, so be gentle!