I did head off with Joanne (of a Knitter's Garden) to Ingrid Byrd's Ward Brook farm today to pick up some native NE Corriedlae that is OMG like buttah! I'll be dyeing that up over the next week or so -- and grabbed a couple balls Ingrid had dyed to spin up for myself. I just love this stuff! I spun a batch from her b4 that was unlabled and I could have sworn I was spinning merino from the soft suishiness, but i found it easier to spin than merino b/c of the longer staple. It is awesome.
I also reieved a package of some special roving from Oregon I purchased to spin for my Spin to Knit pal. This is from Rainbow Yarns Northwest and it is PYGORA and award winning Targee wool. SOOOO soft and luscious and processed so beautifully -- it think it will be awesome to spin. I of course, got a ew extra ounces for myself, too. Terry, who was super friendly and helpful, also included a sample of RED 50/50 pygora silk blended fiber that, when I reach my hand in the bag, made me think I had touched a bit of heaven.
I dyed up two ounces of the Py/Targee blend in a soft green, but I'm not thrilled w/ the color -- I was looking for something with a bit more depth, and this came out very monotone and pale. I am going to try again and add some deeper green to it and see what happens. Not sure if I just had too little dye in the pots or if the fiber doesn't take the dye as strongly. We'll see!
In other news, I got the most amazing phone call last night -- JASON CALLED FROM IRAQ! I was right in the middle of the leader meeting, stepped out to answer my cell phone and could not believe what I was hearing. We chatted for a bit, and then he got off the phone to call the kids at the house. I was so overwhelmed (and thrilled, but emotionally overcome) that I actually gave myself a stress-type headache. I can't wait for him to be home FOR GOOD. He confirmed that he is due to head for home on leave on February 2nd, and I can't wait to show him what all you wonderful folk are doing for him and his fellows. He'll be staying with us for a few days, too (he loves coming here -- he feels such a sense of peace at my house, and it really does my heart good knowing that, let me tell you!) so I hope to get some pics of him in some of the liners and see if I can drag him off to meet the girls and guys at "knitting practice."
That's it for now -- knitting pics soon!
tee hee...she said knitting practice.
I want some Pygora! How beautiful!
Lucky dog. Wanna be my spin to knit pal? Pretty PLEASE! I just sent mine off to my recipient. I sent a skein of yarn and then enough of the three fibers for her to do a mini-skein. I also sent 8 samples so I hope she likes them. That is one of the perks of mailing it right before a big show. You have a ton of stuff! I don't know how I am going to top that next month. Maybe some Cashmere? Noootttt! I haven't even spun cashmere. And if I get some, let me tell you, I am not sharing!
I am so excited for you. I know he will be thrilled to be home. Poor guy has to go to knitting practice! Is that before or after Girl Scouts?
Awww!!!!!! That's so awesome Jay called! Yea, I'm so happy for you! He must come to Joanne's... MUST! He can model helmet liners in person, lol! LOL Lora... I see "knitting practice" is catching on!
H.....you don't know how much I LOVE that cashmere...not only do I love the colors but I CANNOT STOP TOUCHING IT! I'm really dying to knit with it, too. PLEASE "buy and dye" more!!!! (I can give you payment of one slightly messy, computer-wise husband....good deal???)
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