My real thrill lately has been the mitts I am working on for my mom. At the start of my knitting career which was shortly followed by the start of my family camping adventured in Maine, I happily discovered a lovely little shop in Bridgton, ME and a locally produced yarn they carried, Bunny Blend from Acker's Acres farm. (I later bought my Lilah from this breeder.) This yarn is AMAZING (40% of her own angora, and 60% local, lovely, soft wool) and I made a habit of purchasing 2 skeins each time we visited. It has been marinating in the stash and from it I picked out some lovely soft pink to design fingerless mitts for my mom, at her request. I am thrilled with how they are turning out, and who wouldn't love knitting with this stuff??

I found this cable motif in Cables Untangled by Melissa Leapman. It looks like little stacked hearts, so what better motif for my mommy? I also felt it was substantial enough to hold its own with the fuzziness of the angora. When they are done, I'll be sure to share the recipe. I am LOVING everything about them, and am so jealous each time I slip them on my hands -- you know, to make sure the sizing is right. Thank goodness I still have 5 skeins in the stash! It has been a nice bit of cabling experience for me. In truth, I have only knit the simplest of cables, so it took me a bit to envision where I was in the chart and had to rip back and start over once as I had mis-crossed too many spots. On the re-knit, however, I found a mis-crossed cable 2 rows back and was able to successfully drop and re-knit. I love it when I can do that! THAT is when I know I've got a technique down. I had also gone into this thinking to cop-out on the thumb and just go with an add-on afterthought type thumb, but went for the gusset since the fit is just so much nicer. I mean, it is ANGORA people. It must be given its due.

She just better not felt them.
(The wonderful Julie nominated me for the Nice Matters Award. I'm so not worthy, but will do my best to do justice to the honor tomorrow. Thank you Julie! all I can say is, "No, you are!!" lol)
I always dread doing the thumbs, too, and it's silly because they really are so quick and simple! Your new mitts are wonderful.
I agree with Julie - you ARE nice! Very, very nice. ;)
No, you are! ;-)
Love the mitts! I know how you feel about the thumbs. Why is that? They are so quick and easy, why do we all avoid them?
Those are going to be CRAZY SOFT!! I like the cabling too! Very cool!
If mom doesn't like them, I'll take them off your hands!
Yummmy! Those look just heavenly.
The mitts are beautiful. I love the color and they look so soft. Marion
Very beautiful mitts. That yarn looks so yummy soft.
What beautiful mitts! So soft and fuzzy!
Who needs thumbs? They are so scrumptious!
Those mitts are really nice! They look like the softest of cotton candy!
Yummy, soft, and with hearts? Your mom is going to melt! Just beautiful. =-D
She will love those wonderful mitts. As do all of us.
Oh, you know how much I LOVE that pink angora. Such a beautiful fingerless mitt pattern. They're even better in person!
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