...and would pee on me if she could.
Entirely fed up with the lack of tray-bottom convenience in Lilah's cage, and fully aware that my big bunny will only get bigger, and armed with a desire to pamper her, I set out on Saturday with Rachel to buy my fluffy little princess a new hutch. I had intended to purchase this one at PetSmart -- pretty, convenient, loved the little ramp -- but was convinced by Joanne to check out a local pet supply store first where she had gotten a wonderful cage for a great deal for her two buns. So off to Plaistow we went where we found a two story beauty with a little hidey house, floor tray and ramp -- and it was only $30 more than the other! After putting the girl on the phone to butter-up daddy, we left the store with excited anticipation, visions of a happy bunny bounding from floor to floor kicking up her heels in delight racing through our oh so little human minds.

She hates it.
She won't go up or down.
When we let her out, she poops and pees all over the floor to let us know her intense indignation.
Stupid rabbit.
LMAO!!! Maybe the wire hurts her little mitts?
BTW, you get a husband who knits by doing lots of training. He is better at it than I am (sigh)...
See you tonight!
Oh no!!!! Poor Lilah. I guess buns are just like dogs - sure as heck let you know they're not happy! I wonder if she'll get used to it and its more of a "scared" thing about going up & down??? Or maybe being a little mroe enclosed - maybe she doesn't like the privacy or maybe she just wants to be back down on floor level with Tashi & the cats???
Stupid Rabbit - I will live there!
And that is exactly what she is probably thinking - you like it so much you live in it!
HOpe she adjusts....
That cage is awesome!!! Too bad that little stinker won't use it!!
I bet she'll get used to the cage in time...maybe? Hopefully?
I was a tiny bit disappointed that my name wasn't on the list for the helmet liners..... : (
She's not really stupid, you know. After all, she knew how to let you know she doesn't like her new home. Hopefully, she'll get used to it and learn to love it!
I take it back, Julie...how about wascaly wabbit? lol
So sorry, G! Your name is added now -- I hadn't edited that in quite a while. Mea culpa.
HA HA HA HA!! Cute blog!
She's just letting you know that she doesn't do well with change...give her a couple weeks and you won't be able to get her out of there!!
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