I finished
my sweater and I am in love. I don't know whether I love my sweater or Norah more. Genius! But, you all knew that. I wanted a more fitted sweater than the original pictured version (the pattern is from Norah's inspiring book,
Knitting Nature) so I knit the smallest size (I am a 38 inch bust) and the resulting sweater has just the look I was going for. It skims the body very nicely without being either tight or baggy. It also came out to be the perfect length for me. I normally add an inch or two to everything I knit to elongate my rather short waist, but I only added about 1/2 of an inch on this knit. I did knit it in the round, and fretted greatly over the front shaping, wondering why Norah would want a decrease across the bust (it isn't actually -- it was just under the bust and does create a nice shape). I decided to trust the master and go with it -- so glad I did) and if my mods for doing this in the round were done properly, but it came out just right in the end. What a quick and easy knit. I did knit the arm sections first and am so very glad I did. Once done with the very long and mindless portion of stockinette for hte body, I had only to join the sleeves and begin the yoke -- I think if I had to knit the sleeves after the body, I may have severely stalled out.
So, here it is -- photos courtesy of DonnaH -- thank you!

I used just under 10 balls of Cascade Pima Tencel -- 10 balls! I had greatly feared running out, and had 3 shipped to me by a wonderful Raveler in Canada who had the same dye lot, but turns out I needn't have feared. I do love this yarn, tho, and will certainly find a use for the remaining three. Perhaps a shrug for Rachel. She likes purple. My only critique of he yarn is that it does shed -- a lot. But, I haven't washed it yet (bad knitter) and I'm hopping the first wash will solve a lot of that.
finishing a sweater always leads me to a grand mal case of startitis, and while I have SOMEWHAT resisted the call of the needles, my queue (and stash) have grown. I did cast on a sweater jacket for Jacob out of some Lion Wool that has been languishing in the stash for this purpose.

Jacob LOVES yellow, so when I saw this wool, and the Jacob-approved companion colors, on clearance at my local W-big-you-know-who-store, I grabbed it. My search for the perfect pattern to fit the insanity in my head cannot be found, so I'll be designing this one myself. Nothing earth shattering, really -- a top-down raglan zip-hoodie, but the differences will be in the details. I may want to submit it somewhere if I am happy with the results, so pictures will be scarce.
Also cast on was the incredibly gorgeous
Eastlake sweater from Norah's
Norah Gaughan Vol. 3 in the very un-original (for this knitter) choice of yarn and color as that of the original pictured sweater.

I NEVER do that. But, well, Norah knows best, and the marriage of design, fiber, and color just couldn't be beat. HAD to have. I am knitting the sleeves first onthis one as well, as much to be as swatches as anything, but I do like getting the sleeves out of the way. (I did some swatching already, so fear not, but I'll double check after washing the sleeves, I appear to be right on pre-washing, and that is just where I want to be for this one, given the size I am knitting). I bought all at the
Yarn and Fiber Co and that will be my in-store knitting. I really had a hard time deciding whether or not to cast this on first or Alison Green Will's Jaali from Twist (for which I have the MOST scrumptious
Stacy Charles Dynasty in an amazing wine color, purchased at
Sit N' Knit in CT), but Eastlake won out for now, but I have a feeling I just might end up with the two going at once. Of course, I also have that scarf I need to knit for the hubby...and we won't discuss the socks.
In other news, there has been a major update over at the
etsy shop -- and I stil have more and yarn to list, so be sure to check it out! I do have multiple quantities of most items, so be sure to PM me if you need more for your project.