Finally on the road to recovery, but I think I may have overdone it a bit the past few days. After sitting around for days staring at my out-of-control-never-been-messier house, I tackled the living room and laundry on Wednesday, posting items to etsy at intervals when I would sit to rest. I spent the morning yesterday dyeing the yarn I still had to finish up for wholesale orders and A Knitter's Garden.

And today, it is off to Rachel's school to help out with the Valentine's Day lollipop sales. Fun stuff! I am exhausted, but welcoming the return of health. I HATE strep throat. It is amazing to me that a bug that hits such a small little insignificant part of one's body can cause such a breakdown throughout the entire system. Suckage.
soooooooo....knitting news? Well, lots of good stuff really. First, Gina's new pod-cast is up. YAY! Always a great listen, so head on over there to check it out. She recently made me a WONDERFUL gift of an exclusive pattern for Sereknity! How cool is that? I plan to cast-on for it myself this weekend with my first handspun and might give you a peek or two as it works up, but I plan to use the pattern as a feature in the store's "grand opening." I was going to shoot for March 1st, but I am now behind a bit, so I may make it March 15th -- the Ides of March -- as that tickles my English teacher funny bone. But soon! Seriously, very soon!
The folks a One Planet put a wonderful write-up about my products on their blog! How cool? Among todays many shipments, I will be sending them a bunch of stitch markers and a few orifice hooks as well. Hope they like them! It's about time I got some of that space filled and updated.
As for put-two-sticks-together-and-wrap-some-soft-fluffy-thready-stuff-aound-it actual knitting, I am almost done w/ helmet liner #2 -- just have to pick up the face ribbing. The lovely Blogless Amanda was kind enought to lend me her size 8DPN's at knit group on Wed. night so I could finish the crown decreases. (oh, didn't I mention that? Never too sick to sit and knit. And man, Ericka, did you miss a fun night! More later.) Including liners in hand and those confirmed completed, I have 29 liners accounted for! I'm certain one or two more may also be in the mail, so provided they all get to me in the next 12 days, the goal will have been met. YAY!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

Jay still has no clue, and I can't wait to present him with these little gems of knitted love and support. Makes me all squishy inside.
Anxiously awaiting SPA Knit and Spin, I have also cast on an olive drap simple hat for the SHIPS project to be donated at spa. The folks who organize the event are big supporters of SHIPS and our troops, so I hope to bring a couple of hats to donate and this is also where any extra helmet liners I may get will end up. The hats are a great mindless item to take with me when waiting for the kids at karate and such. I am working this one up in a 80% wool/20% acylic blend called Charisma by a company called Yarn Art that I bought at A Knitter's Garden for $4.50.

$4.50!!! For 80% WOOL! 220 yards!! Crazy. The kids will totally be getting sweaters out of this stuff. It has a very nice hand and drape, and no pilling whatsoever. I really really like it. Seriously --- call Joanne, or if you are in the area, check out a shade card. Good stuff. Think about it -- you could do an adult sweater, 6-7 balls, for under $30!!! In wool! Sorry -- I'll stop now.
I also got to welcome my friend Stacy to Wednesday nights knitting group in Manchester. Hopefully we didn't shock her too much, but everyone was in rare form that night! I haven't laughed so hard since Grand View! Too much fun. She said she wants a list of all our blogs links and such so she can check us out -- not sure if that is good or bad! hehehe
ok, I'm out -- time to shower and attempt to feel human.
Oooh... the lovely colors and yarns, oh my! :) I have mine and Mom's liner for you (see your email)!
Gorgeous yarn! So glad you're feeling better!
OMG that yarn is so gorgeous! I love that yarn you're working with too, I'll have to swing by Joanne's.
Delicious yarn! SO glad to hear you are feeling better. =-D
Oh, wow! Look at all the helmet liners! (Mum sent ours out yesterday - finally!)
And your yarn is divine - heading over to Etsy now...
you have such cool stuff....grrrr LOL I'm glad you are getting a lot of helment liners!!
If she were to join the group, you could direct her to the list that I keep urging people to add their blogs to. ;) You even put your own up there, IIRC.
Absolutely beautiful yarn!!
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