So, by now many of you have "met" Frankie. She is a GORGEOUS Australian Shepherd mix who arrived to us via PetMatchmaker pet rescue all the way from TN. We will be fostering her, loving her, and housetraining (ug) her until she finds a new family. She is definitely insecure right now, constantly dodging our feet wanting to be right in between them for protection and a bit afraid to let us out of her sight. I'm a bit afraid to let her out of mine as well, as I was just alerted to more POOP! Jacob came up with her name (she came to us w/ the name Quasar. QUASAR!?!?!?!) after the character Frankie on the show Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Since this is a show about finding new homes for children's now unwanted imaginary friends and the example we used to teach them about fostering, it seemed a fitting monicker.

Tashi isn't all that sure what she thinks of this fidgety little invader, but is OK as long as we keep petting her first and playing with her. Jim just took her for a ride -- a special treat. As for the cats. NOT. HAPPY.

Oh well, they'll get over it! hehehe And she has very little interest in them. After being in this house of cats, dogs, and kids, I figure she will make someone a wonderfully tolerant and well adjusted pet. Here's hoping!
Oh! I'd I've begun dyeing in earnest again, so be looking for web-site and etsy updates!
Can't wait for the store updates! Let me know if you need anything with Frankie... Trix is settling down some but HAS to be with one of us (preferably me) too. Matt said "if Dustee was attached to me - this one is certainly attached to you!" The little thing keeps creeping in crevaces and spots the other dogs can't even get their heads in... the bench pushed under our kitchen table is a FAVORITE. :)
That is an adorable puppy. But I can see how scared she looks. She will be happy in no time with ya'll.
She is so pretty, reminds me of my Jenny, who is also an Aussie mix! Can't wait to meet her...dave might fall for her...he loves his Jenny...hee hee, I'm pushing it ay?
How wonderful of you to foster that poor girl. I was involved in breed rescue and all breed rescue when we lived in Canada. Our club connections haven't been re-established yet.
It will take her several weeks to settle in to your home and then you will start to she her true personality emerge. Good luck with her.
I'm looking forward to seeing the results of your dyeing.
Ha! She's Australian... no wonder she's so cute!
ANYWAY. You're a good gal for rescuing her - she's very lucky.
Btw, have you thought of putting photos of your yarns on Flickr? They have free accts and great exposure (just a thought). Let me know if you do so I can list you as a contact. :)
Before you know it, those kitties will be loving Frankie. She's so cute and so lucky to have you and your family to love her until she's ready for her permenant home.
You have a full house, H!
All the pets we take in "temporarily" end up staying....
She's a beautiful dog, and a working dog. Do you have any jobs for her to do, other than herding people?
LOVE the new name Coco and so happy to hear sis-in-law is going to take her after all! :) GREAT match ... GOOD work!
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