Now, for the most important executive decision of late, not made by me, but by Ericka and Chris, I present to you some images from their big day...
There was a bubbling (and, thankfully, late) bride, caught by surprise in the back of the chapel. Were she not late, I would have missed the whole thing! Isn't she lovely?

There was a smiling and anticipatory groom (the way he looks at his beloved just slays me)...

There were knitters, knitting in the chapel, and later at the reception, as we were required to do...

A lovely couple and wedding party, the bride gorgeous in her hand-knit shawl...

Centerpieces, inspired by the bridal shower...

And the king of all wedding cakes -- a Whoopie Pie cake! YUM.

It was a perfect day for a perfect couple. I hear they are tearing it up in Disney, but -- horror of horrors -- can find no yarn! AHHHHHH!
In other, me-centric, news, I have made the long thought out decision to no longer re-skein my yarns. The reasons are numerous and varied, but I do feel ultimately that this is the right one for me. The debate rages on and on among dyers and customers alike, and while I often like the look of a re-skeined yarn with the colors broken up from the original hand-painted appearance, it doesn't seem to have as much impact on sales as one might think. At this point, I am looking at the time it takes for me to re-skein, not to mention the FRUSTRATION. My equipment, while faster than winding each skein by hand, it incredibly difficult, unreliable and fussy to use, and better models cost far more than I could even conceive of spending. Also, most of my yarns are now coming to me in cones, which I will be sending first to a mill to be wound off into 4oz. cones, cutting down on my time initially skeinning. All this means I can DYE MORE YARN. The Etsy shop has been a snore, as I have been spending so much time on wholesale orders. I really want a balance between the wo, and I want to be able to spend more time developing new colors. TIME. It all comes down to time. So there it is. And seriously, these still look nice, don't you think??

Oh, and here is a new colorway, Freyburg...

I have also made a decision to join the local Planet Fitness gym with a dear friend. I need it. It will be good for my physical and mental health, and while I could do without the initial expense right now, it is cheaper than therapy!
Look for more shop updates this week, as I have no outstanding wholesale orders and can concentrate on retail. I have soem sock bags that have been begging to be photoed for far too long, some hat kits, and lots and lots of stitch markers. I also have boat loads of fiber to dye -- merino/silk, merino superwash and non, South African, some tussah, BFL -- oh the fibery goodness! If there are any colorways you are hoping to see, shoot me an e-mail or comment. Direction is good.
Oh, and there has been some fairly significant knitting (I do still do that) on Poppy. The unevenness of the Noro stripes has been railing against my perfectionist nature, but I am persisting, trusting it will all work out in the end. The issue? No, I don't expect to have even stripes, but with the way the color sequences fall, it looks like the front and back are knit from too different yarns. I figure it will all come together when the sleves are added. We shall see. At least she fits well!

I am also having a bit of confusion at the shoulder directions, which call for some oddly stages decreases and binding off, but I think I am just going to leave them as is and graft together a the top, so I don't have seams. I'm a bit of a weirdo -- I love the kitchener stitch. I should have that completed today, and then cast on for the sleeves. I my actually get to wear this one this fall! WOW!
Oh, honey, when I saw how many knitters were late, I was glad to be late too! You took some lovely pictures. I'm in the process of ordering prints and when I have some wallets made it'll be thank you card time! Woot! After everything else, this will be a cake walk :D See you on Wednesday.
It's so funny you talk about using the kitchener stitch on your shoulders; Patti and I were just talking about that this morning. I like the way a kitchenered shoulder looks and I actually like to do it too :-)
What lovely pictures of Ericka and Chris' wedding; they look so happy.
Good for you for making that decision to not reskein; why use the valuable dyeing time. The yarns look beautiful just the way they are.
Great pics!
Love Poppy!
As for the reskeining issue... I go back and forth myself. But, if it saves you time and doesn't affect sales, then by all means, skip it! :)
Hi sweetie! You know if you ever need someone to talk to, I am a great listener!! I looooove the Freyburg and would be more than happy to purchase one...I'm also in the market for a skein of fingering in either Grand Canyon or Water Lily if you are planning on dyeing either of those in the next month or so? See you Wednesday! xo
The bride looks beautiful - I love the two-toned dress.
I have no idea about re-skeining yarns, but yours look perfect to me! The colour combinations are gorgeous.
And finally, exercise and getting fit is one of the best ways to relieve stress. Good on you for taking the initiative. x
Great pictures of E and C! I love seeing everyone's posts about them. They make me feel less bad about not being there.
I think I like the yarn better unskeined.
Oh, and Poppy looks totally hot on you.
Boy, this Ericka and Chris are all over blogland. Almost like I was there:)
To reskein or not to reskein, that is the question that you have answered. Many knitters have the tools to wind things themselves. Or we work at a LYS and "borrow" their winder. Either way your yarn is woderful.
Love the wedding pics! And that sweater looks fantastic on you! (whistle whistle) Perfect color, too!
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