hehehe...oh, don't act surprised! You knew it was BOUND to happen. Yup, got me a bunny -- 3mo. old 75% German angora/25% satin angora (approx. lineage -- didn't really care once she tucked her forehead under my chin! eeeeeeeee!). the whole story? Well, Gina (check her blog for more pics of our day) and I took a trip to Ackers Acres in New Gloucester, Maine -- home of the fabulous Bunny Blend yarn and it's lovely proprietor, Beth Ackers, and her many BEAUTIFUL bunnies. I had pretty much reserved myself to being a grown-up and just going for the fiber, info, and yarn, and waiting for the bunny until I was truly ready -- but then hubby said "why? What's the big deal?" HA! Silly man. After 12 years, doesn't he know not to give me even a smidge of a loop-hole? I mean where does he think our son gets it from???? Anyway, we walked in to see a cage full of lovely palm-sized baby bunnies (3 weeks old -- can u stand it?) And I turned to Beth and said "Where are the bunnies for sale?" It was all over. This little charmer stayed contentedly in my arms for over and hour -- I never even bothered to hold another. Guess there is something to love at first site, huh?

Now don't despair -- there certainly will be more pictures. The cats and dog are jus t going CRAZY trying to figure her out, but my camera batteries are giving me a hard time, so they may have to wait 'til tomorrow. Until then, I NEED YOU HELP! My little darlin' has NO NAME, thus we have the "NAME THAT BUNNY" contest. This is open to all bloggers and non-bloggers, but you have to hurry and get me you submission! I will be going away on Friday and would like to have the results in before I go, so you need to LEAVE A COMMENT WITH YOUR NAME CHOICE BY WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1ST. The top three winners will be announced on Gina's next podcast, as well as by e-mail so be sure you leave one for me. Oh, and let's try to stay away from the "Fluffy"'s and "Flopsy"'s, hm? 3 prizes will be awarded for the top three names as voted on by myself, my children, and hubby. (I won't guarantee that the top name will be used as we may come up w/something on our own, but for now, your guess is as good as mine! HELP!) More bunny pics and fiber news later. Let's get those names rollin'!
Is she still snuggling on your chest today?? So cute. My vote is for the name: GingerSnap or Cinnamon Bun.
Or there's always "Bun Bun."
Congratulations, she's beautiful!
My girls are can up with barbie or buttercup.
ok Here are my choices for names. I looked up German baby names online and here are some from that list I like (Since she's German Angora ;) )
Olinda (protector of property, she could protect your yarn!)
Schmetterling (heck that's just fun to say!)
I suggest "La Belle Lapin" and she could be called Belle for short. She is beautiful and loving like Belle in Beauty and the Beast.
Marion -- I love that name -- so much that my cat is already named "Bella"! So, keep thinking on those lines! Jacob wants Alicia, I like Lola, and I just made a search of Names from Watership Down (one of my all time favorite books), but I don't think my kids can easily say Hyzenthlay! lol Hubby liked "Bun Bun"! (If it helps, the other household pets are BooBoo, Sophie, Mouse, Bella and Ta-shi.)
And yes, G, she is snuggling and eating up a storm -- and letting my know when her bowl is empty! lol
I say "Sole" "soleil" she looks sunny and bright or "Luna" How about Meme/mimi?.I don't know I'm losing it now....oh and Adam says it should be wait for it...."bunny"!!!
She looks like a flower to me. So I suggest Flower, Peony, Sunny (Sunflower), Daisy, Violet, Rose or Lilac.
Usagi (oo-sah-gee) is Japanese for rabbit, but it seems a rough name for her. You'd shorten it to Sagi, and add a chan to it, but Sagi-chan may not fit her either. "Tobu" rhymes with tofu, means to hop. Tobu-chan could be cute.
Part of me sees her and thinks Reese's. Go crazy.
So, here's the suggestions from the clan:
Me, Carmel or Karma
Jacob: Alicia or Autumn
Rachel: Hope
I don't know why but she strikes me as a Lilah (lye-la) or Lili (lee-lee).
She is so sweet! I can see why you couldn't let her go. Congrats on the new addition. :-D
Since Bellle is to close to the knitty's name I'll change to Lilly Lapin.
Wow - I'm a little late with post, but my suggestions (with no influence from others already posted):
1. Miss Lola (for obvious reasons, lol) - or Lolita
2. Isabella (to go with your Bella)
3. Isaboo
4. Gloucester Gal (after all...)
5. Anabeth
6. Tabitha
OMG she's so freaking sweet I want to dunk her in my coffee.
My suggestions:
Spice (my late kitty's name)
OMG, Jackie! This is too weird -- two names I suggested to hubby were Snickerdoodle and CALLIOPE -- who else is going to say CALLIOPE??? OK -- have to step out of the twilight zone and into reality now...
I'm loving all the names, folks, keep 'em coming!
Awww, what a sweety! She looks so adorable and snuggly. I want one!
Anyway here are my name suggestions:
Caramella (Italian for candy, I thought it went well with your cat Bella, she could be Cara or Mella for short).
Chiara (can you tell I like the Italian names? I'll try to think of some non-Italian ones)
Acorn (now I'm on the squashes)
oops I forgot to leave my email:
rmtompa at yahoo dot com
She's gorgeous.
Here's what comes to mind when I look at her photo:
Hello, M,
I need your e-mail address in case you win! You have some great suggestions! (as has everyone -- this was supposed to make it easier, but now I have sooooo many more than I would have some up with to choose from! ahhhh!)
Re: sock/hat design: Ooooh, YEEESS!!!
Nup. She's just "Floss".
Cai - meaning wealthy in chinese since her yarn will be on high demand.
I like Autumn (good one jacob!):)
Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to leave out my email address in my first post.
But in the process I have another name .... Biscotti!
Are you going to spin her fur? Oooooooh!!!!
onequickk9 at highstream dot net
What a pretty bunny... I can't think of a name at the moment but I will keep trying! It won't be fluffy or hop hop. I meant to tell you, yes please get a box to me!! I can't wait to hear how you do with this bunny. Maybe I should get one? I am an animal nut. I don't know how my dogs would react???
Biscotti is very cute!! And so is cinnamon. I just named 85 yarns and my head hurts! Hmmm....
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