Been doing that. Very, very little, and in my typical fashion, I've been starting rather than finishing, but in my defense, it has been somewhat necessary. I've been re-working the "Rachel" hat to suit the superwash worsted I am now using. While the hat knit last year for Rachel on 8's in a heavey worsted was nice, It did seem to loose it's shape a bit over the season, getting a bit short and it wasn't as snug as it could have been. I am using 6's now, and will add length and it works much better. I want to figure directions for a smaller and lager size for it to for kits for the Big E. I've gotten quite a few more inches done than pictured here.
I really like how the yarn is striping -- it is the Carousel colorway which is dyed differently than any of my other colorways. I think I'll come up with a few other colorways in this style just for the hats.
The shrug I was knitting for Rachel (you know, the mindless knitting?) has been frogged since I totally messed up the directions by trying to work from memory. She really likes it tho and wants it for school, so I have to get it cast back on. I have to say, that Suri Alpaca is a b*tch to frog! Ick. It isn't quite as soft as I tinitially thought either, but I figure a good blocking and subsequent fluffing will help. It isn't too happy at being frogged and is looking a little worse for the wear.
MS3? Let us not speak of this. Clapotis? It is calling me -- from the basket. I so wanted it done earlier in the week, when we were having a very fallish cold spell. But it isn't done -- not even close.
And then of course, there are the socks from the previous post (samples! a must have, right?). LOVING my Mystic Mountain socks -- now THAT is mindless knitting!
Bar Harbor? Weeellll, now ya see, that requires thought, time, and concentration, so, haven't done much. I did finally et the first row of shells connected. Aren't I so speedy? I'm determined to get back to it, maybe even today. (Lora has already finished hers!)
Pretty pathetic, huh? I did spin a little tho -- finally plied my Thistle superwash into this lovely yarn...

I think this is the most even yarn I have ever produced -- it flowed so nicely through my fingers while I was plying. Loved it. I am thrilled with it (yes, I know, I am simple to please), and of course am anxious to see it knit now. (note to self: I WILL NOT CAST ON!) There is actually a small bit left on the bobbin that still needs to be wound into a center pull ball and plied on itself to get the full 4 oz.
BUT THERE IS HOPE!!! The kids go back to school this week! YAY! Jacob starts first grade this year, so I will have a full 7-8 hour day to myself and hope to get in a routine of working while they are at school, and having the evenings for leisurely knitting and spinning after all of our afternoon activities. Cross your fingers!
Also, 12 years ago today, this happened...

Ahh, to be young again...
Happy Anniversary, honey! I love you! And you truly are a saint for putting up with me.
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
Happy Anniversary!! I was admiring Manise's purchases of your yarn/fiber with morning from Fiber Revivial. I believe my exact words were, "I covet this stuff!"
Happy Anniversary!
Lora is faster than all of us LOL
Happy Anniversary - gorgeous pic (you look like a celeb who I just can't put my finger on at the moment... lol)!
Love the way the new Rachel hat is coming out...
I'm right there with ya with lots of starting and not much finishing... you're further than me on the bag though - I've yet to cast on!
happy anniversary, gorgeous!
Sending warm congratulations on your anniversary. xx
Happy Anniversary! Your handspun is beautiful! And I love the pic of you and Jim....wow!
Happy Happy Anniversary!
Happy Belated Birthday!
Happy Anniversary!!
And much love for that Thistle yarn. The color of that just makes me happy. You are my spinning hero!
Happy, Happy belated Anniversary!!!
What a cute couple.
That purple homespun was perfectly cleavage worthy.
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